Monday, August 27, 2012

Well, it's August 27th, 2012 and I think I need a new blog.  It's not just Scotty so Hotty anymore.....we have added Noah to our family and I just think I need a new blog that reflects what's going on in my life.  I didn't want to start a new one, but it wouldn't let me change the name on the old one.  Or, at least I couldn't find where to change it :-)

A Lady and her Loves is all about the things I love!  My family (Nick, Scott and Noah), my pets, my amazing friends, my LIFE (yep, even the times I am beside myself and am so frustrated!)....and my list actually goes on and on.

For those of you who do not know me, I am a 31 year old wife and mother of two boys.  Nick is my husband, and we will celebrate six years of wedded bliss this November (2012).  Scott is 2.5 years old and Noah is 6 months.  We also have three pets.  Braylon and Jake (7 and 4 years, respectively) are boxers and Sammy (9 years) is our cat.  We also have a beta fish named Bo who is about 3 years old and we just got our son Scott an aquarium with four fish, which he feeds twice daily.

I am a stay at home mom and also have two businesses.  I am a consultant with Scentsy ( and Grace Adele, a new brand from Scentsy (

So, there you have it in a nutshell.  I hope that you find my ramblings, er, writings entertaining enough to keep coming back!


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