Wednesday, February 27, 2013


One.  My baby boy is one today.  A year ago today, at 2:19 pm Noah entered this world.  I cannot believe that he is one!

Yep, this is my little "Nick Jr" :-)

This last year has been filled with so many blessings, but it's also been the toughest time of my life.  I thought one baby was tough.  I thought I was exhausted and that I couldn't go any more.  Oh no my friend.  One baby is a BREEZE.  With one baby you can nap when they nap or shower when they nap, or do whatever you need to do when they nap.  When you have two and they don't nap at the same time you don't get to do those things so easily - like shower or EAT.  And exhaustion with one baby?  Nothing compared to a two year old and an infant.  And then once that infant starts walking.....


It was also a tough emotional year.  I had no idea what having two would be like.  Scott was at the perfect age to push buttons every day and sometimes, no matter how many times I said no, he kept pushing.  I've learned a lot from being a mom, and even the most trying days I wouldn't trade because they made me a stronger, better person.

The most important thing I've learner so far is to give my children the gift of acceptance.  To always accept them and to teach them acceptance of others.  I don't care what they want to be in a career or what clubs they join in school...I just want them to be happy and to be able to be themselves.

So thank you, Noah, for blessing mommy (and daddy) so much!  You are becoming such a wonderful little boy and we are so excited to see the person you are becoming!  We love you to the moon!