Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Blessings of My Life

This was my conversation with Scott around 5:00 this evening.  He had just tooted.

Scott: I toot!
Me: Did you toot?
Scott: YEAH!
Me: What do we say after we toot?
Scott: More toot!

Kids do say the funniest things!  Just this last weekend when I was at my mom and dad's house he picked up a toy phone and said "Hello, garbage truck here!" and I about spit out my drink.  He really is one of the light's of my life!

Noah just turned 7 months and he is army crawling all over the place!  I thought it was because he was a baby genius, but when I was telling the dr at his 6 month check up she told me it was probably because he sees his big brother getting around so he wants to, too.  So much for my baby genius haha!

(Good thing he isn't in ALL orange)

I really do have so much to be thankful for.  A beautiful family, money to pay the bills, a roof over my head and endless love.  Thank you, Lord!